Your Features
For ease and convenience, we have created two FREE apps.
Have all numbers on Phonely's global block list blocked automatically. This vast database of suspicious numbers is compiled using our customers' commonly blocked numbers and daily national searches. More importantly, numbers reported via our Who Called Me website update the list within the hour. This feature gives you peace of mind that you are automatically protected from the latest scam numbers.
Take your digital landline anywhere. Your FREE Call app allows you to make and receive calls to and from your landline number on your mobile device. This does away with costly call-forwarding charges and means you’ll never have to wait in for a call again. Plus, it’s perfect as a backup, should you have a power cut and cannot use your router for calls.
Easily customise your Call App contact book for simple selection and direct dialling.
Change button colours and add photos to your contacts to allow for easy recognition of who you want to call or where you need to press. In customising your contact book you can trust that you won't have any difficulty in making those important connections with friends and family.
Every Phonely Callguard and Callguard+ customer has access to unlimited calls. Of course, like all providers, this is subject to our fair usage policy, which we’re sure you will find is more than generous!
Phonely also provides its customers with competitive rates when it comes to making international calls. So, if you have loved ones abroad, you’ll find that catching up and chatting away is completely affordable.
Most phones these days have the ability to let your callers leave you a message, and with Phonely you’ll find no exception. You don’t have to rush to pick up the phone or worry about missing a call if you need to nip out, as your voicemail will answer for you.
Gone are the days when you had to have a separate answering machine to record your messages on, thank goodness! With home VoIP and Phonely’s technology, just dial 5500 and you can listen back to any messages left for you.
Before a caller is connected to you they will hear a short message to let them know their call is recorded for your protection.
This will deter criminals from continuing with their calls and give you the confidence to answer your phone whenever it rings.
Manually block unwanted numbers with ease. Unlike other providers, we offer unlimited blocking, so you don't have to be selective - block as many numbers as you need.
Get the feel-good factor, as any numbers you block could end up on our global block list, meaning that number will be barred from calling all Phonely customers!
Using smart technology, our systems can detect the common keywords that phone criminals use. It can also alert your Trusted Person to calls you take that are from withheld or international numbers.
Be rest assured that, if like most people you didn't spot a scam, CallGuard will and action can be taken.
If you're in the middle of an uncomfortable call, you can invite your Trusted Person to join for support. Plus your Trusted Person can also enter into any call from a withheld or international number to check you're OK.
You can be assured that at any point you feel you need help on a call, for any reason, you can have it with a press of #9.
Make time for yourself.
It’s important to take a little you time once in a while. Whether that’s to sit down with a cuppa and a book, catch up on your favourite TV show or have a power nap; this feature ensures you’re not disturbed by a ringing phone.
Nominating a trusted person will secure human backup should you need it, giving you an extra layer of protection. You can have more than one and you can choose anyone from your friends or family.
Whoever you choose will be able to support you from anywhere using the Phonely Trusted Person app. From here they will be able to do many things such as join in live (dial #9) calls to assist you, listen back to your call recordings to check for scam attempts and with CallGuard+ they will be notified of any criminal language used within your calls.
Making protection easy with your FREE app.
Phonely’s Trusted person app allows an optional, nominated, trusted person to receive alerts and notifications and join in live calls. Account settings can also be managed via this app. All in all, this app makes being a trusted person super simple.
VoIP and digital voice phones need a power source to run. Should yours fail, your Trusted Person will be alerted so they can contact you by other means to ensure you're well.
With this facility you can take comfort in the fact that in a power cut, you won't be left feeling isolated or alone.
Every telephone conversation is recorded and then transcribed for easy inspection. So if you felt uncomfortable on a call or were alerted to keyword usage, you or your Trusted Person can easily check back to see what happened.
Feel in control of every conversation with the knowledge you have proof should you need it.
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